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HomeProductDiode Laser Hair Removal Equipments Fr Soale – Factory Price

Diode Laser Hair Removal Equipments Fr Soale – Factory Price

Diode Laser Hair Removal Equipments For Sale – Factory Price





nubm31t laser diode
osram pl450b
ingan laser
extended cavity diode laser
x ray laser diode
dpssl laser





Lager spot size
Lager spot size


laser hair removal back cost

The delivery of light across the entire treatment area (especially over larger areas such as the back) is more uniform and less likely to create uneven results when using the larger treatment head. The added advantage of larger treatment heads is that their depth of penetration can be greater than that of smaller sizes.

Larger treatment areas like the back and legs tend to be the most profitable, but are also considered to most tedious. Before nurses didn’t like to do these procedures and in some cases resisted them altogether – typically citing wrist fatigue, sore shoulders, and lower backaches. Now with our larger spot size 12*20mm²/23*40mm² and so on, which might be the biggest among all the diode laser hair removal machines. This contributes a lot to the higher revenue per hour, the procedure is much faster and requires less effort by the hair nurse. Meanwhile, saving your treatment time can treat more customers for your beauty salons or clinics.






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